Bishop Butler Arkansas is a young man just beginning his own life. Currently, he is focusing on his work and education in the hopes that, with diligence, he will be able to graduate from college and obtain employment in a field that interests him. He plans to use that position to leave his mark on the world. As with many young people, he may still need to plan his life in detail, but he has the confidence that he can accomplish great things. This section provides additional information about Bishop Butler, including who he is and where he intends to go.
Prior Instruction Bishop Butler completed his high school education in Benton, Arkansas, at Benton High School. In the spring of 2020, he graduated with an A grade. Even though Mr. Butler's high school graduation may not appear to be a significant accomplishment, he stands out in several ways. Initially, he graduated from high school just as the Coronavirus pandemic struck and halted all activities. Despite a great deal of uncertainty at the time, he completed his schoolwork and earned a passing grade. He was also a National Merit Scholarship finalist. This is a notable accomplishment that less than one percent of high school students nationwide attain. For this award to be given to you, you must have excellent grades, high PSAT/NMSQT test scores, and noteworthy achievements.
Current Position Bishop Butler is pleased to be able to work actively while attending college full-time. He began working as a busser for the Olive Garden restaurant chain in 2020. After only eight brief months, he was able to obtain a promotion and is now a server. He has held this position for slightly longer than 11 months. When he graduates from college, he hopes to find employment, though it may not necessarily be in the industry. As a result of meeting interesting people, he has learned how to care for and serve customers. He will benefit greatly in the future from this.
Volunteer Work Bishop Butler Arkansas values charitable work highly. Due to the Coronavirus, he has been unable to devote a significant amount of time to volunteering in addition to working and attending school full-time. However, he hopes that once his schedule settles down a bit, he will be able to volunteer again. Mr. Butler has volunteered extensively in the past. He served as a volunteer camera operator at his local church. His job entailed the recording of church services. Additionally, he performed piano for the residents of nursing homes. Before attending college, he spent roughly a decade participating in these volunteer opportunities.
Where Bishop Butler hopes to take his life following graduation from college; like many other young people, Bishop Butler does not know where his life will lead him. Nevertheless, he enjoys playing video games and chess and participating in sports. He intends to complete his computer science degree and see where it leads him. He has applied for a summer internship with NASA and is awaiting word as to whether he will be granted the opportunity. He hopes that gaining employment will pave the way for future opportunities.
Many individuals consider their late teenage and early adult years to be among their best. Nonetheless, this age group faces numerous challenges and obstacles. The spread of the coronavirus, rising tuition costs, and technological advancements are reshaping the entire nation. Younger individuals are required to adapt quickly to these changes. Butler, Archbishop Despite being young, he is determined. He hopes that the University of Arkansas will grant him the opportunity to earn a computer science degree if he applies himself diligently. Once he obtains his degree, he intends to do something he is passionate about and contribute to changing the world in which we all reside.